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CAPITAL CAMPAIGNSThis type of fundraising effort typically starts by seeking major gifts from your largest and most loyal individual and corporate supporters, but also includes efforts to bring in smaller amounts from other donors. Capital campaign letters and brick fundraisers are often used to request donations. Some nonprofits engage consulting companies that specialize in capital campaigns to assist. | |
CASH FLOWMoney that flows into and out of your startup. A positive cash flow means there is more money coming in than leaving. A negative cash flow means more money is going out than coming in. | |
COLLABORATION (FUNDING)It is a business transaction in which two or more entities exchange things of value. This value can be financial, in-kind, or benefits related to visibility/exposure, or publicity. It also involves a display of affiliation that stops short of product endorsement. | |
COMMUNITY FOUNDATIONThe Community foundation is an organization that makes grants for charitable purposes in a specific community or region. Funds are usually derived from many donors and held in an endowment independently administered; income earned by the endowment is then used to make grants. Although a few community foundations may be classified by the IRS as private foundations, most are classified as public charities eligible for maximum income tax-deductible contributions from the general public. | |
CONSUMER DIRECT MARKETINGa form of network marketing in which the distributors are all consumers and must also buy the product for their personal use | ||
COPYRIGHTA form of protection for published and unpublished literary, scientific, and artistic works that have been fixed in a tangible or material form. | ||
CORPORATE PARTNERSHIPSEstablishing corporate partnerships can be a major source of fundraising for nonprofit organizations. With so many organizations emphasizing social responsibility, you may find that companies are willing to sponsor or underwrite your organization's programs or events, especially if your group's efforts align with the company's mission or values. Corporate partnerships also often include matching gift arrangements, with the company matching any dollars donated by their employees with an equivalent donation. Corporations that partner with nonprofits also sometimes lend their employees or executives to nonprofits to help raise money or serve as volunteers. | |
CORPORATIONA body that is granted a charter recognizing it as a separate legal entity
having its own rights, privileges, and liabilities distinct from those of its
members. The primary advantage of a corporation is that it shields its
investors from personal liability for any losses a corporation may experience. | ||
CRADLE TO CRADLECradle to Cradle is a philosophy that
evaluates products for sustainability and efficiency during each stage of the
lifecycle: design, materials sourcing, manufacturing, consumer usage, and
post-consumer usage. The key element of this philosophy is to design products
that are reused, recycled, or composted, rather than those that end up in a
landfill (the latter being the more common alternative, referred to as “cradle
to grave,” with the landfill being the grave). | |